Sunday, April 17, 2011

Montague Memories

SMH Auxiliary members Doreen Wooder, Kit Loschiuk, Thelma Phillips and Wanda Barlow travelled to "Montague The Beautiful" for the semi-annual meeting of the Prince Edward Island Association of Healthcare Auxiliaries.  The PEIAHA executive provided the attendees with an informative and interesting meeting at the Montague Curling Club.  5 ladies were presented with life memberships and each auxiliary provided reports on their recent projects.  All 5 member auxiliaries are doing great work and raising lots of money for our Island hospitals.

Stewart Memorial Hospital Auxiliary appreciates the work of the auxiliaries at the two referral hospitals on PEI, the Prince County Hospital in Summerside and the Queen Elizabeth Hospital in Charlottetown.  Both auxiliaries raise hundreds of thousands of dollars each year to buy equipment and provide services. In recognition of their hard work on behalf of all Islanders, we occasionally make donations to each of these auxiliaries.  Kit Loschiuk (right) was pleased to present $1,000 each to QEHA President Kathleen MacDonald (left) and PCHA Vice-president Marie Salamoun-Dunne (center).

We thank them for their commitment to healthcare on PEI.

It was a lovely spring day to travel east to see old friends and meet new!