The ladies of the curling club prepared a beautiful turkey dinner followed by pie and tea or coffee. Everyone seemed to enjoy themselves judging by the laughter and buzz in the room!
Here are some photos from the day. You can see more in our Picasa photostream by following the link in the right sidebar.
Our meeting delegates
Back row (l-r): Norma Ramsay, Ruth MacLennan, Doris Dennis, Aleah MacLennan, Carolyn Biggar, Kit Loschiuk, Marilyn Ramsay
Front row: Pam MacKinnon, Doreen Wooder, Wanda Barlow, Thelma Phillips, Verna Barlow
Norma Getson, PEIAHA President, with SMHA life members Marilyn Ramsay (left) and Kit Losckhiuk (right)
Some of our life members
Back row (l-r): Aleah MacLennan, Verna Barlow, Marilyn Ramsay
Front Row: Norma Ramsay, Kit Loschiuk