Wednesday, November 10, 2021

8th Annual Dr. Joyce Madigane Memorial Scholarships

Stewart Memorial Healthcare Auxiliary is offering two $750 Dr. Joyce Madigane Memorial Scholarships to students from the area previously served by Stewart Memorial Hospital who are pursing careers in healthcare. Applicants must currently be enrolled in at least the second year of their program.

Interested students are required to submit in writing their current program of study, volunteer experience, future career plans, how this scholarship will assist them financially, and if they have received other bursaries or scholarships.

The successful students will receive notification of the award, and the scholarships will be presented, during the Christmas holidays, at which time a media photo will be taken. Interested students should submit their letter, including full mailing address, email and phone number, to the Scholarship Committee at

Dr. Joyce Madigane served the Tyne Valley area as a family doctor and medical director of Stewart Memorial Hospital for nearly 40 years before her death in 2014. She was always very encouraging of young people who were considering a career in healthcare. The Auxiliary created the scholarship to keep alive the memory of her service to the community and has awarded a total of $12,000 to 18 recipients.

Submission deadline is December 10, 2021.